3.0 愛的機(jī)密
5.0 火之迷戀
2017 海外簡介:坎卡伊(平采娜·樂維瑟派布恩 Pimchanok Leuwisetpaibul 飾)是一個(gè)野心勃勃的女孩,一心想要擠入上流社會,為此不惜出賣身體換取金錢,來得到那些她夢寐以求的奢侈品。一次偶然中,坎卡伊邂逅了名為喬安(帕同朋·任翟迪 Pathompong Reonchaidee 飾)的男子,喬安是含著金湯匙出生的大少爺,在坎卡伊的百般勾引之下,他徹底迷上了這個(gè)性感而又神秘的女人。 坎卡伊和喬安之間的感情遭到了喬安家人的強(qiáng)烈反對,為了拆散兩人,喬安的母親斬?cái)嗔藛贪驳慕?jīng)濟(jì)來源,喬安逼迫坎卡伊賣身賺錢,兩人之前的關(guān)系每況愈下。最終,忍無可忍的坎卡伊決定離開喬安,但等待著她的,并非一帆風(fēng)順的命運(yùn)。?豆 -
3.0 奧斯汀與艾麗第一季
2011 海外簡介:Austin, a musician and singer and Ally, a songwriter, are paired up unexpectedly but rely on their two best friends, Trish and Dex, to keep things together. Austin and Dex decide to record one of Ally's songs without her knowing and post it on the internet. Austin becomes an instant sensation. Austin begs Ally to expose herself as the writer and write him another song, but instead they pair up for a totally talented pop duo! -
6.0 饞夫癮婦
10.0 來路不明的轉(zhuǎn)校生
7.0 心之咒魅